We supply best-in-class fasteners from concept to completion. Plus, we save you floor space by storing products until you need them.
Our VMI agreements save you money and increase turns and availability.
We can deliver custom manufacturing in 24-hours or less.
By supplying 20-foot anchor bolts, we rescued a large project from delay.
As an extension of your team, we establish a line-by-line program to optimize your inventory and recommend where stocking levels need to be adjusted, reduced or eliminated.
We promote turns-driven order quantity and a technique for establishing safety stocks based on frequency of issues. We will thoroughly analyze your stock and usage. Then we collaborate with you to streamline your inventory and make sure you have the right amount of parts at the right time.
We will identify and eliminate duplicate items. We will also identify slow moving, dead stock, over stock inventories and opportunities for standardization. Then, we will recommend new order points and order quantities in line with your actual usage for each line item. We will do all this without reducing service to any user.
To ensure your partnership with us is a success, we have a basic implementation project plan containing key tasks that ensure a smooth transition. We review it with you and modify it to meet your specific needs.
To avoid issues that can arise at the beginning of a long-term supply relationship, we are confident that you’ll agree with us on the following criteria:
We assign an inventory item a code of A, B, C, or D based on its usage. Typically…
Of course, we can adjust the associated percentages based on your inventory performance objectives.
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